This morning during the church service we had communion, and as usual Gabe and Zach participated, with many whispered prayers and reassurances that while the crackers were indeed delicious, they also were paying attention. Usually communion is a good time to reinforce some basic tenants of our faith, and today Gabe had a couple of questions regarding the "bread" and "wine" (crackers and grape juice). After explaining as quietly as I could about the juice, I went on to his next question, the gist of which was Jesus as the bread of life. We went back and forth for a minute, all the while I was delighted at how astute my son appeared as he considered these weighty matters. Almost done, I continued my explanation, then wrapped things up, or so I thought. As I settled back in my seat Gabe's eyes got wider and wider.
"Jesus was made of wheat?!"
I had a little more explaining to do.
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